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Pros And Cons Of A DIY Paint Project

Pros And Cons Of A DIY Paint Project

Choosing whether or not to do a painting job yourself may seem like a no-brainer, but there are tons of pros and cons to consider before rushing out to the paint store or picking up the phone to call the professionals. Here’s a quick list of pros and cons for your next painting job, and whether doing it yourself is better or worse than simply hiring a professional.

Why Bother Doing A DIY Paint Project?

Cost: Your own labour can be inherently cheaper than hiring a professional painting contractor, and therefore theoretically, is cheaper than a professional painter. You paint for free, a painter paints for profit. So when you are thinking about the cost, always think about whether or not you could do it yourself, whether you have this time to do the job yourself and therefore save yourself some money.

Control: When it comes time to paint a specific colour scheme, it is not uncommon for a professional to make some strong recommendations. With your own hand, your colour schemes are entirely under your own control. Some professionals may question your choices in ways you feel they won’t understand, so sticking to your guns is way easier with only your opinion mattering. Hence, therefore performing your painting project do-it-yourself style can give you the look you want without having to haggle or debate about why you like the colours you’re choosing.

A Few Reasons Why You Might Not Want To

Cost: Many people think they can do the job themselves and, in many instances, they are absolutely correct. But there are certain advantages to getting a professional to paint for you. For example, more difficult and technical paint jobs, like outdoor painting or painting a ceiling, will benefit from a professional, not only because they will do the job better, given their expertise, but also because they can do the job right the first time.

There are many instances when people simply do the work themselves only to have the paint job look amateur and last only a little while. With a professional, the job gets done in less time and will be done correctly the first time. Such a guarantee simply doesn’t exist with doing the work yourself. Mistakes are entirely on you if you screw up, and those mistakes will show instantly. If you think the work is a little too complicated, or you simply don’t have the time, a professional painter will actually save you money in the long run.

Skill: Especially with these more technical jobs, if you want certain colour schemes or are painting places with strange lighting or surfaces, a professional can make a job look better in less time. When looking at a painting job, think about what sort of skill is needed and be honest about your own abilities. Remember, it’s always better and cheaper to hire a professional and get the job done right than paint, realize you’re out of your depth, and hire a professional after the fact. Many people think painting is an easy job, but certain scenarios prove otherwise very quickly. Be honest with your own abilities and you’ll get something that you can be happy about much easier, and for less money overall.

Materials: Painting costs add up quickly: paints, paintbrushes, appropriate attire, and all the other costs easily add up in painting jobs. But professionals will already have all the right equipment and that can save you money in the long run. Additionally, a professional will know when and where to use what product, potentially saving you the hassle of using an inferior solution. When you are thinking about DIY painting, the job may be cheaper by getting someone with all the right tools already over buying them all yourself, only to use them a handful of times.

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